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Risk Statement


The level of real, as opposed to perceived risk associated with the activities is very low. However, the types of risk may be something with which you are not ordinarily familiar. For avoidance of uncertainty, environments and situations that you may encounter include:

Cycling on roads You will experience traffic throughout the tour and should cycle in a safe and considered manner. The use of a helmet is compulsory during each tour.


Physical effort

Our activities may involve you in a greater level of exertion than in your usual day-to-day environment.



The addition of machinery, such as bikes, in combination with the environment used for the activities, plus human error, does present additional opportunity for accidents.


Natural environment

Most likely to be a rapid & significant change in the weather, or unstable/slippery conditions underfoot, but can also include rock falls, lightning etc.

Slips & trips The most common cause of accident throughout society, the opportunity for slips, trips & falls is likely to be greater than that which you usually experience.

Loss or damage The environments and activities that you choose to experience may increase the potential for loss of or damage to your personal clothing or equipment.


 Your responsibilities are as follows:

Medical Please make us aware of medical condition(s) or injuries, past or present, which may affect or make ill-advised your participation in any activity. We can then agree with you whether or not you should participate.

Fears & phobias Before commencing any activity, please ensure that we are aware if you have any major concerns, fears or phobias about the situation(s) in which you are choosing to place yourself. We will work with you to help ease your feelings of discomfort/apprehension/fear, & ensure that you are as comfortable as possible.


Drugs & alcohol

It is potentially highly dangerous to participate in any activity whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Velo. cartel reserves the right to prevent any person participating in any activity, should we suspect that they may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

 You must accept and act upon all direction and instruction from our guides (where provided).



Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this Disclosure of Risk.

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